
Because our objective is to meet the needs of researchers in their scientific questions to related the major challenges in nutrition, health, food quality and the environment, we have been committed to continuous improvement since our creation in 2007.
Certified by the GIS IBiSA since 2010, as a strategic national platform for INRA since 2008 and as a collective scientific infrastructure for INRAE since 2019, the PFEM has also been ISO 9001 certified since 2013 and NF-X-50-900 since March 2015.
Based on these two references, we aim to continuously improve our internal functioning and thus the quality of our services.
To meet all of our stakeholders, our policy is based on five general objectives:

- Enrich the range of services and participate to solve the major bottlenecks in metabolomics and proteomics with analytical developments;
- Support research at national and international levels, thanks to its expertise in metabolomics and proteomics;
- Favour communication and transfer of knowledge, tools and methods in scientific networks;
- Optimize the expertise and the motivation of the PFEM staff;
- Guarantee the PFEM sustainability and its continuous improvement.

Finally, PFEM can count on the involvement of all its members to achieve its objectives and meet the demands of its users.